Is maith and sceélaí an aimsir! Gaelic: “Time is a good story teller.”
And time has created a lot of stories about the Patron Saint of Ireland.
Born Maewyn Succat, his story is about enslavement, conversation to Christianity and finally returning to the island of his enslavement to minister to the existing Christians and covert the rest.
He did create the Celtic Cross but by his own admission was not a great success at converting the population.
His death on March 17, 461 became his Feast Day and has been celebrated in Ireland since the 7
th Century.
Usually falling during Lent, this was the one day the Catholic Irish could revert back to eating meat and making merry.
Using the shamrock to explain the Trinity, driving the snakes out and wearing green (blue was his color) have all become part of his story.
The Irish immigrates brought St. Patrick’s Day to us and at times it was a bigger holiday here than in their native land.
Boston held the first parade in 1737 with NYC following in 1762.
During the massive Irish migration in the 1840’s and the anti-Irish sentiment that followed, St. Patrick’s Day became a way for the Irish to gain acceptance and melt into the American Culture with apparently great success.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh – Happy St. Patrick’s Day to All!
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